Wednesday, April 13, 2005


greasemonkey1320 at 3:50 AM
18 People who found a peppercorn
- at 4:10 AM Candy said...
Please do I have plans for them later.
- at 4:52 AM greasemonkey1320 said...
Stick'em in yer mouth and suck'em!
- at 5:10 AM Candy said...
I can't believe thats the type of girl you think I am. See, now this is why you get pinched.
- at 5:15 AM greasemonkey1320 said...
Whatcha gonna do 'bout it.
- at 5:48 AM Katy Barzedor said... you really wanna taunt her in that way? Is that a good idea, you know, self-prerrevation wise?
- at 6:04 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
I think there's gonna be some wrestlin' goin' on at the Cathouse.
Too bad it's not on pay per view.- at 7:10 AM Madame D said...
I KNOW I'm not the only person here hearing "Doot doot doodle-oot" after the "Stick 'em in yer mouth and suck 'em!"
- at 12:15 PM Webmiztris said...
mmmm, chocolate salty balls.
- at 12:22 PM greasemonkey1320 said...
That's right folks for the low, low price of $49.95, you can seem me dodge, weave, and wiggle in an attempt to save my tender spots from the "Pinchy Fingers of Doom".Under 17 not admitted.Bill subject to change. No refunds. Come one, come all to the greatest show of them all.
- at 2:11 PM Candy said...
Hmm What Am I going to do about it? Now I see why you wouldn't let me get out of bed last night to read your reply. Come in the room all slick and tell me you commented and then not let me go look.
And I am pretty sure I said to you, Why did you write something that is going to get you pinched? Someone said oh no of course not.
Boy, you are gonna get fuuuucccckkked upppppppp.
Oh and Bitch better have my money.- at 12:03 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
What is the story behind the one armed man headquarters?
I figured this place would be called the home of the two hander or something.
Catch ya later man!- at 12:16 AM Candy said...
Zombie, I can tell ya that. He blames everything on the One Armed Man. It wasnt him stealing cookies, it was the one armed man. It wasnt his precious baby boy Wobbles on the counter breaking that coffee cup, it was the one armed man. PFFFFTTTT there are alot of one armed guys sneaking in and out of my house apperantly.
- at 12:46 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
I blame everything that happens here on a ghost boy named Victor.
I hate that little bastard.
Later Rabbit!- at 1:14 AM Candy said...
There was a ghost boy named Victor in the movie The Others. Hmmmm
- at 3:37 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
Mystery solved.
Jessicarabbit > Sherlock Holmes.
I really like that movie. It's a throwback to the classic ghost story movies from long ago. If you haven't seen it Meggan, check it out. You might get a kick out of it.
And I'm glad Nick is blogging too. I think it will be fun reading another perspective of what goes on in the house of a thousand kitties.
Where you at tonight Nick?
Working late?
Getting pinched?
Searching for the one armed man?
Catch ya later!- at 3:43 AM greasemonkey1320 said...
You gotta watch out for the one armed man.He's one slick,like snot on a door knob.The few who have seen him were driven insane his smoothness.It'impossible to contain the one armed man.
- at 4:24 AM said...
Zombie, I just watched that movie again last week. I enjoy those types of films quite alot. I also really liked What lies beneath...
Nick you better not be snotting on the door knobs boy....- at 9:20 PM Madame D said...
Ooo, I love the Others and What Lies Beneath, too!
The only thing I hate about the Others is the sound! It'll be so quiet, then a scream!