Monday, April 25, 2005

This is what my truck would have looked like new from the factory.It's a long way from that,considering I haven't really worked on it in over a year and a half.

greasemonkey1320 at 1:07 PM
6 People who found a peppercorn
- at 2:03 PM Katy Barzedor said...
Will it be in black and white when you're done with it?
- at 4:14 PM Zombie_Flyboy said...
Cool truck, and even cooler photos. Good luck with getting it into shape man. The first truck I ever had was a 61 Chevy with a short bed and stepsides. I guess it's kind of the counterpart to your Ford.
Anyway, when I got it, the thing had basically been abandoned. It was a pile. No brake pads, water in the lines. No doughnut gasket, so toxic fumes leaked up into the cab. It had so much play from the fucked up tie rods and front end shit, that you had to herd it down the road and hope for the best.
The heater didn't work. Gas gauge was always on a quarter of a tank. Everything was extremely dirty.
The engine surprisingly enough was in ok shape.
So with all that and more needing took care of, what did I do first?
I put a really noisy sound system in.
Am I cool or what?
Anyway, I had my work cut out for me, but I got it in shape and drove it for a couple of years before I had to get rid of it.
I wish I still had that old truck.
Later!- at 12:36 AM Madame D said...
The first and only vehicle that's ever sort of (half) been in my name?
A 1996 Ford Taurus GL.
I loved that car.
But my ex refused to do simple maintenence.
Like when we no longer had heat? He didn't fix that. It didn't have heat for TWO WINTERS.
A nice big crack in the radiator reserve tank. Can we say, half hour drive, tops, before it overheats, I have to pour a few gallons of water in, and then wait for it to cool off so I can pathetically limp that fucking thing home?
At least 6 months. Lazy fucking bastard.
We also drove it on expired Alaska plates in WA for a year and a half before a cop spotted that.- at 3:26 AM greasemonkey1320 said...
Bucky- nope, black and green.Flat black probly and not a subtle green either. I'm gonna use Chrysler's Lime Light green.Bright and annoying.I'm just gonna use it on the rims and the motor, maybe some pinstriping too.
Zombie- I had a '76 Cadillac with a 500ci motor. Ran like a champ except for the tranny blew up, then the radiator went.Finally the bitch landlord I had said if I didn't remove it from the property she'd have it towed.Ended up gettin' $75 for salvage.
Madame D- JR has a '95 taurus. It's a hell of a nice car. There's alot to be said for simple maintenence.One of the tards I work with hasn't changed his oil in over 2 years.These are the same people that bitch when shit blows up and cry about how much it costs to fix it.- at 6:18 AM Katy Barzedor said...'s still the truck.
Where's the gore, and the cat porn? 12 cats, I know some of 'em gotta be doin' it with each other.- at 4:58 PM Candy said...
I miss you honey and Im sorry you were so stressed out this morning. I hope when your reading this your relaxed, happy, and ready to come pinch my hiney. You forgot to pinch it this morning, its lonely for the pinches.