Sunday, April 24, 2005

This is Wobbles, daddy's little man. Every day when I call home at lunch I hear about all the bad things my lil' man has been up too.He has apparently developed a taste for sweet cream butter, and fresh cookies too.he is quite fond of watching his mommy baking, from on top of the kitchen cabinets.

greasemonkey1320 at 12:50 AM
4 People who found a peppercorn
- at 1:09 AM said...
Yeah thats right, your boy is a butterlicker. And he isnt just sitting there watching me, he is plotting, planning, crying, and totally full of crap.
You spoil that little man, he cries so much more when your home cause he knows youll give him what he wants.- at 4:12 AM Madame D said...
Ah, the whining.
I hate the whining.
I don't care who it's coming from.
Cat, dog, small child, ex-husband...
I hate it all.
The only thing that saves some creatures is the cuteness factor.
Wobbles clearly has that down.- at 6:59 AM Katy Barzedor said...
They're all cute 'til you find 'em face first in the butter.
- at 12:29 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
Cool Picture.