Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I was 21 or 22 when I had this one done.I ended up having it done in two different sessions, outline then color.I think it took the guy something like 3 hours total to finish it. Yes, yes the one towards the bottom is a tatto of a roof truss.I had that done 8 years ago. A year after I got hired at my job.The people I work with are cotinually amased by it.Alot of them never really notice it. Then they see it and start asking questions.

greasemonkey1320 at 1:09 PM
7 People who found a peppercorn
- at 2:16 PM Katy Barzedor said...
So...were you 21 or 22? Come on, it's not like it was that long ago...
Yes, I'm being very obnoxious today. Lucky you with all your new posts!- at 4:20 AM greasemonkey1320 said...
I think I was 21. Shit, sometimes I can't remember what I did last week. Still have a post-it note shortage.
- at 5:55 AM Katy Barzedor said...
It's that protein defecit...
You are forgiven, my son.- at 6:09 AM Candy said...
I love this tattoo, its the one I see next to my face when I am pinned to the bed. You know, doing um, group yoga. Yeah thats it.
This tattoo is licked quite often. Nibbled as well.- at 7:07 AM Katy Barzedor said...
...because tattoo licking is an important, but underdiscussed, part of yoga, especially group yoga.
- at 4:46 AM greasemonkey1320 said...
Yes, group yoga indeed.
- at 10:37 AM Katy Barzedor said...
I get the distinct impression that your "group yoga" is a bit different from the pilates classes at work.