Sunday, July 17, 2005

JR got me a new air freshener for my truck.Some of you may be wondering what a devil air freshener smells like. Well according to the package it "Smells like Hell!". So does that mean my truck is gonna smell like sulfur?

greasemonkey1320 at 12:06 AM
4 People who found a peppercorn
- at 9:37 AM Katy Barzedor said...
You don't really need the air freshener for the suphur smell, do you? Wouldn't hard-boiled eggs and closed windows be sufficient?
That's why they're DEVILED eggs.- at 3:38 PM greasemonkey1320 said...
Mmm, I could go for some deviled eggs with a side of baked beans.
- at 6:29 AM Katy Barzedor said...
So, what you're sayin' is, after the Coke exploded in your truck, now you're lookin' for your ass to explode in there too?
I don't think the cleanup will be as easy...- at 4:03 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
I never new that Hell would smell "Funky Fresh". I guess you do learn something new every day.