Sunday, August 07, 2005

Miss Hermione has earned herself a nickname recently. I now refer to her as "short bus". You may be wondering how such an adorable puppy could get such a name. Well here's a hint. Tonight after we got back from the store, she grabbed an empty paper bag in her mouth and headed for the basement stairs. The whole time the bag keeps flopping over her eyes so she can't see where she's going. The puppy's got smarts. Add to that all the times I've caught her leaning against the front door, licking the glass, and there you have it.

greasemonkey1320 at 4:41 AM
10 People who found a peppercorn
- at 4:51 AM Madame D said...
"Sure you're special. Short bus special!"
Yes, I know the feeling of the stupid ass pet. At least a giant barking pillow doesn't have to have much brains, just lay still. Mostly.- at 6:32 PM Katy Barzedor said...
I'm not sure at all what you mean by this.
I'm deep in thought. I keep tryin' to scratch my head, but my helmet keeps gettin' in the way.- at 2:57 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
Hey! I have a fan just like that.
- at 7:01 AM Katy Barzedor said...
Oh, have LOTS of fans...
- at 2:49 AM Zombie_Flyboy said...
But none as cool as you Bucky!
- at 8:59 AM Katy Barzedor said...
You're pretty smoothe for an undead guy, Zombie! I bet you say that to all the ghouls...
- at 12:57 PM Katy Barzedor said...
I think Hermione is tryin to be all sexy here and rip off her t-shirt seductively, with her teeth.
Well, I guarantee another St. Bernard would find it nigh unto impossible to resist that act, anyway.- at 12:36 PM said...
I am insulted that you call that innocent little dog "short bus." I ride the short bus every single day, even Sunday, and I resent the implications.
My pussy smells like cat food.- at 10:09 AM Katy Barzedor said...
That dawg has had that t-shirt in her mouth for a long while now.
Surely it's spit saturated by now?- at 4:20 PM Zombie_Flyboy said...
You should take another picture of her, same spot, same pose, just so we can compare how much she has grown since this picture was posted.