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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Probing Perspective

After reading the Tales from the Rabbit Hole, with all the aliens and innuendo of possible probing, my mind has started to wonder about some of these conspiracy theories. Especially the whole aliens among us / human-alien hybrids. Okay, if they are experimenting on people and trying to make a hybrid species, wouldn't it be logical to say that they might make a few 'mistakes' or end up with substandard results? My question is this, what are they doing with all these people? Are they just dumping them back into main stream society? It would kind of explain the influx of dumb asses around here. Droves of people wondering around with their brains made out of left over scraps or odds and ends from other experiments. Shit, if they are supposed to be so superior to us you think they would at least have a recycling progam. I got a couple extra bins if they need to borrow one or two, as long as they wash them out when they are done.

Here's something else to ponder. Have you ever seen some of the people that have apparently been abducted. It's always some brain dead idiot or some one that married their first cousin. Personally, I don't think that would make for good breeding stock. Why don't they pilfer some brain cells from Steven Hawking. I think that might be a little more fruitful than snatching gray matter out of a trailer park. Hell, maybe their just trying to make a five-assed monkey of their own.

Another thing I wonder about is the probing and the implants. I can understand the implants for tracking purposes and data collection, but seriously how much ass probing do they need? Are they trying to find a cure for colon cancer? Is it a hemmroidal investigation? Do they really want to know who had corn for dinner? Do they not have assholes of their own? Or maybe they just decided to become entrepreneurs in the butt plug market. Testing out the prototypes, getting feedback from their focus groups. Trying to find out where their key demographics are. Yeah, some how I doubt that is what's going on. I'm gonna have to agree with the Kids in the Hall on this one.

greasemonkey1320 at 3:23 AM

16 People who tried the chili

16 People who found a peppercorn

at 7:19 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, don't be draggin' us in with those scrap-heap morons.

at 6:42 AM Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Sure, anybody can piece together a five-assed monkey.

What I wanna know is, can you make a five-monkeyed ass? Answer me THAT, Dr. Wolfenstein.

at 5:06 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could, but that would totally redefine the phrase "donkey show".

at 9:59 PM Blogger Zombie_Flyboy said...

Tell me more of this "Donkey Show".

at 3:29 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, sure, they always talk about the donkey show. So why isn't the donkey treated like the star I am, I mean, he is?

Do you have any idea what it's like to be a donkey on Prozac and Viagra at the same time? And then that goddamned Tigger gets all the fanfare with his gay "Woohoo!" and "Bouncy bouncy!" - what a fuckin' ponce.

I need a drink. At least Kanga appreciates me for more than my donkey dick, although Kanga IS pretty hungry for the donkey dick, too.

at 7:28 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop stickin' me in the kangaroo.

at 3:19 PM Blogger Zombie_Flyboy said...


I want a bucket of fuck, and I want it YESTERDAY!

at 6:17 AM Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

One bucket of fuck, with a side of swallow, comin' right UP.

Makes its own sauce...

at 5:14 PM Blogger Zombie_Flyboy said...

That was the best $2 I ever spent.

at 6:37 AM Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Zombie, if you'd just remember your Whore Punch Card, you'd get the tenth one free!

at 12:56 AM Blogger Candy said...

There is an awful lot of donkey fucking and whore guzzlin going on round here.

I approve.

at 6:14 AM Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

I'm just waitin' for the donkey guzzlin'.

Hee haw, indeed.

at 4:20 AM Blogger Zombie_Flyboy said...

If you go into the corn patch with me, I'll show you my "Buck Owens".

at 6:19 AM Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Only if I get to see the Buckaroos, too.

at 3:51 PM Blogger Candy said...

I think the HillBilly got abducted, wonder if there is probing going on...

at 6:44 PM Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Well, I hope he gets SOMETHING out of it.


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