Monday, October 17, 2005

This is my 'new' truck. It's an '87 Ranger with a 2.3L 4 banger and a 4 speed with overdrive. It gets about 20mpg, which is alot more than the mean green machine. Don't anyone worry, I didn't sell my monster truck. It's just time for it to go "down to the lab". I'll have more time to work on it if I don't have to drive it everyday. For the time being, the ranger is looking at a tune up, minor rust removal, and maybe a nice flat black paint job. For $995, I really can't complain the motor knocks a little, but everything else is solid.

greasemonkey1320 at 4:31 AM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Released from the Mothership
In the event anyone still comes here, I have returned. It has been long couple of weeks at work and I have had very little time to get things done or do any updating here. I do however have alot of things to post about. Such as my 'new' truck, the abomination that is "Footloose", the permenant halloween decorations, spooking the neighborhood kids, and how Abba Dabba is gonna put the smackdown on some Canadians. All in due time, but for now I must eat and sleep after a long 60 hour week at work. I think I'll need my rest if I'm gonna keep up with the wee ones tomorrow. Something tells me they are gonna be rather excited.greasemonkey1320 at 3:15 AM