Tuesday, December 06, 2005
People for the Eating of Tasty Animals or People Eaten as Tasty Appetizers
Tonight's sub zero wind chills require me to pull out the heavy duty gear. Oh yeah, that's right, it's my big fuzzy hat. This hat rocks and is incredibly warm. It's even convertible.

Now I'm not saying that I'm the kind of person who runs over furry critters in my big bad monster truck for shits and giggles. Besides, everyone knows thats what pedestrians are for. I'm just not that kind of guy that goes all crackpot and runs around protesting every little thing where an animal may at some point suffer or die. I lived on a farm for several years and butchered various animals for food. I don't really think there is a need to test eyeliner on cats, but using rats and mice for medical reseach is something I can agree with. I'm just realistic about things I guess. Some of their issues just seem a bit out there at times. One thing that gets me are the ones that bitch about how cruel it is killing animals while sucking on a big bloody steak. Fucking hipocrites. What do they want to do? Massage the cows to death? Give the chickens a neck rub until they give up the will to live? What's next? Will they want to have mass funerals at slaughter houses? I just seems like there are more important things to be concerned about.
So, let's just recap for a second. I eat meat and wear leather. Plain and simple. So don't try and lay some guilt trip bullshit on me, it just gives me another opportunity to says something that will offend you even further.
greasemonkey1320 at 5:12 AM
2 People who found a peppercorn
- at 7:11 AM Katy Barzedor said...
First: the hat - it's STUNNING.
Second: PETA. Dumb fucks who take a basically good idea and take it to the complete fucking ridiculous extreme, thus ruining the credibility of even moderate animal rights supporters. You wanna stop companies from killing cats with perfume? I'm there, dude. But you wanna spray paint my chaps because they're leather? Come over here and treat my ass pucker ethically.- at 5:47 AM greasemonkey1320 said...
One of my favorite things to do is to take my hat and leave it on a desk in the office where I can still see it. I watch for someone to come along and notice. Almost every time when they see it they jump back and do a double take like they just saw a giant rat. One guy got so startled by it that him stumbled and fell over.I may not be nice, but it sure is fun.