Saturday, January 28, 2006
Merry Chuking Fristmas
It's 4:30 in the morning, J.R. is attempting to get a little rest and the puppy menace has been awakened. They are currently "playing" in the livingroom. By playing, I mean wrestling, no holds barred. Periodically I hear yelps and what could be described as little puppy screams. I go to the livingroom to break up what I assume is Hermione being to rough with Moo. What I find is Ninny laying on her back with all four feet up in the air with Moo standing over her head chewing on her ears. So, maybe it wasn't a cry for help as much as it was some sort of puppy battle cry. Game on.The christmas party for work went well. That's right, a christmas party at the end of January. Yeah, it sounds weird, I don't know why they do it so late, but at least it's better than having it in March. Anyway, I'm not really a very social person, much less being social with people I work with. That and I think it's just a bad idea to give people of "questionable taste" free booze. There is always someone there with a loud mouth or some couple starts fighting, amplified by the excessive consumption of spirits. I think of a work related function as a place where people should show some manners and not act like it's a guest appearance on COPS. You may not like who you work for , but show a little civility.
The food was good. J.R. and I both had orange roughy. I'm not a real big fish person, but this was really good. Not real fishy smelly and no heavy after taste. It probly would have tasted even better if I wasn't mixing it with merlot and Jack & Coke. I've heard that fish is more of a white wine food and lets face it Jack Daniels really isn't meant to go with anything other than Coca-Cola. Well steak maybe, but sour mash is still an acquired taste. Or a lack of taste buds, it's a fine line.
I find social situations to be a bit unnerving at times. More stressful than relaxing. I know J.R. doesn't really look forward to being around people she doesn't know. I can't blame her, I work with some uncouth people. It wasn't to bad this year. We got to sit with people from the day shift, people I don't really ever talk to. They were pretty quiet and we filled the silence with some courteous small talk. Then there was the fat drunk wife of some guy, sitting at the table behind us. All I can say is wow. I can guarantee that this guy is gonna catch hell on Monday. The details of this experience, I shall leave to J.R., as I feel her writing abilities will do it the justice it deserves.
greasemonkey1320 at 4:35 AM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Sometimes you can't think of a title and you just start to ramble on and on and on...
Three and a half hours of sleep. Sandwiched neatly between two eleven hour shifts at work. Not much for some, but a great deal for others. Some people can't function properly with out enough sleep. I just say fuck it and keep pushing on. Some days there is just so much shit to get done. I'll get going on something and won't stop til it's done. Then the ideas for projects start running through my head. My brain doesn't want to stop or slow down. It just keeps going and going and going. I should probly go and eat something, but I have not been real hungry as of late. So if at some point this post wanders off, there is your reason.As you may already know, we got a new puppy. A saint bernard named Moo. For some unknown reason when I say her name, I feel like calling her Moobi. Maybe it has something to do with mega-moobi-muffins. She is a perfectly match for the ninny gator. It appears the both live at the same level of retardation. It's so much quieter in the house now. I think it's becuase they spend most of their time sleeping or chewing on each others heads. I can't complain though. Quiet is quiet. The potty training is going really well, she just follows her big sister. Now if she could just stop pooping on the step. They get along really great even after only knowing each other for ten days. They are almost inseparable. Nose in butt, nose in butt. Ninny actually behaves better now that Moo is here. Maybe it's all the needle sharp puppy teeth.
We got Weebles fixed on Monday. She has been getting "obsessive" over J.R. lately. A bit more mommy oriented. A calico scarf with claws. Fuckin' psycho. Weebs has been bombed for two days on her kitty meds. At the moment she is actually passed out in my lap. Which has become rather warm. I hope it's from her warm kitty heart and she that she has not just passed out and peed on me. Man that would suck. "Oh daddy, it's so nice that you're home, let me just fall asleep and pee on you." I guess it would be better than Eleven. She just looks at you like "Where the fuck you been?" or "Oh, you're not gonna share you dinner with me." and proceeds to pee on you or something that belongs to you specifically. Yeah she's a sweetheart.
Well, it seems I have lost track of where I was going with this. Ah, I'll probly remember later when I'm trying to go to sleep. Maybe I'll even post again before the week is out.
greasemonkey1320 at 3:41 AM
Monday, January 09, 2006
A Thing or Two Off the To - Do List
I enjoy doing projects over the week end. I find it relaxing to get a few things done that are not work related. Sometimes it feels like all I do is stuff for work. I am fortunate though in the fact that my job isn't one of those jobs that has work that follows you home.The first thing I got done was changing the plugs in my truck. More specifically, the plugs and wires that I bought back in November. This should give me a few more miles per gallon. I was kind of surprised when I popped the cap off the distributor and found that the tip of the rotor was almost totally burned off. Surprised the truck still ran that is. This probly explains the erratic idle that it has had lately.
The second project was the disassembling of a lowboy type cabinet that came with the house. It looked like it had seen its fair share of abuse and moisture was starting to take its toll on the legs. For the past couple of months I have been using it to elevate the cat's litter boxes out of range of Hermionie's "truffle huntin' nose". I was stunned to realize that who ever built this thing took their time and did a decent job. It was made out of solid pine, no particle board here. All the joints were tongue in groove and every piece interlocked with a snug fit. It came apart with minimal effort and with only a few taps from the hammer and pry bar. This left me with a good amount of reusable wood, which leads me to my third project.
This one came to me while I was hauling the debris from the cabinet out to the garage. There were four drawers left from the cabinet that were still in good shape. They were about 24"wide, 24" deep, and 4" tall. Perfect for "built-in" shelves in the garage. They fit great between the wall studs and should work well with the peg board doors I'm gonna make tomorrow. I'm always trying to find new ways to get more storage space out of the garage while increasing the open working area. I try to used every little bit of space to its maximum capacity. The garage is only twenty feet wide by twenty-four feet deep. Techincally it's a two car garage, but with all the shit I have it's more like a one car. A small car at that. It's a tight squeeze when I got to bring the monster truck in. Some day I'll fix that too. All in due time.
greasemonkey1320 at 1:33 AM
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The Evil Army
It's been a while since I have last posted. Due mostly to work and the "holiday season". More like a holiday nightmare with all the shitty traffic jams and people that forget how to drive overnight. But now onto more interesting topics. A couple weeks ago I received a package in the mail. Upon opening it I discovered that it was the evil coconut monkey that had previously been put up for auction by Kristine. I had totally forgot about it with all the stress from work. I was happy to see that I now have another piece for my evil collection, but first I must test it to see if it is truly evil enough. So, unto the laboratory!
Down in the lab where I create hideous creatures that lurk in the dark. Where I keep all of my beakers and test tubes. It just so happens to be where I keep the best tool for testing for evil potential. Oh yeah, that's right , it's whiskey. Good ol' Jerk Daniels. If that doesn't bring out bad behavior, nothing will. Now the idea is to give the monkey just a shot or so to judge its reaction.

He was easier to find this time . It appears the he sensed something with an evil force much like his own and zeroed in. He was undone by his own curiosity and quickly cornered. His capture was eminent. But seriously, I don't even want to know what is going on under that blanket.

Looks like I'm gonna have to keep these two separated. I couldn't even fathom the evil that they could conjure up. Some sort of poo flinging monkitty demon maybe.
greasemonkey1320 at 4:37 AM